Did Jesus ever tell us to go to war? From my understanding of the scriptures He made it quite clear that we shouldn't be involved im matters such as these. He told us to love our enemies to bless them. Not go over to their countries and slaughter them as tho they weren't human. And can you tell me why the soldiers are taught to hate those who our different. Jesus taught forgiveness and love for all men because they were created equal. But the government would have you believe these wars are for God and Country. Now tell me when did Jehovah God ever tell us we should support what He was against. He sent His Son to earth so we might find everlasting life with Him. So if the government is not supporting God Will then theres only one left who they are supporting. I was watching Saving Privet Ryan this morn and if you've ever seen the movie you would know its quite graphic throughout the whole movie. I cannot visualize Jehovah backing this kind of behavior could you? And even as graphic as this movie was it still was lacking a few things. Like the children being blown to pieces by men who were trained to hate even the innocent children and babies. The women who are raped by these so called heroes of your country. They left that out but there are movies that show the truth about war and how low a soldier will go. THIS IS NOT OF GOD. And if you support this atrocity then you are just as guilty as they are. I tell you even Ozzy Osbourne wrote songs about government War Pigs being one of them. It goes like this and this is how i view these men myself( Generals gathered in their masses Just like witches at black masses evil minds that plot destruction sorcerer of deaths construction) Thats just the beginning of the song. But my point is that even a dark person like Ozzy recognized that war was wrong. Open your eyes before its to late to turn back. Dont give mortal men power. Let Jehovah's Kingdom Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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